A History of the Quartzsite Metal Detecting Club
Today, the QMDC stands as one of the largest local metal detecting & prospecting clubs in the nation! With member numbers that have nearly reached 1000 in recent seasons, we are a very active club with a great Board of Directors and and AWESOME group of faithful volunteers. Our goal is to continually improve and increase the activities that we have to offer and provide a fun atmosphere for anyone interested in metal detecting in the Quartzsite area!
Thanks to Linda Taylor for this article!
The earliest minutes for the Quartzsite Metal Detecting Club are January, 1992. Fred Fish was the president and the meetings were held in the library, they had to bring their own chairs. Harold Banks was elected President but declined after the first month and Fred Fish took over again. There were 37 members at this meeting.
We skip ahead to December, 1993, where 22 members and visitors were present. The treasurers report showed $377 in the Club fund. Dues were $5 and hunt fees were also $5. The hunts were held at Desert Gardens. $75 was spent on this hunt. Future meetings were held at President Irvin Lee’s home.
January, 1993 the treasury had $516. In February, 1993, elections were held and 65 people were expected at the coin hunt. $334 was spent on this hunt, 48 hunters, with the Club making $1. March, 1993, showed $320 in the treasury. There is now 31 members of the Club. The March hunt consisted of 1121 targets and the Club finished the month with $680.
The November, 1993 meeting was held at the Four Corners Showdown Restaurant. Dues were raised to $10 and the Club met twice a month. At the second meeting in November, the minutes show the first discussion of becoming incorporated. The Club also debated about having a National Hunt that would last 7 days. Nothing was resolved. The treasury held $790 at the end of the month.
The December, 1993 coin hunt would consist of 1110 targets and cost $300. A checking account was set up at this time. The Restaurant was charging $10 per meeting. Mid December showed $892 in the treasury. The Club donated $50 to the heliport and discussed having a raffle at meetings.
January, 1994 had a field trip with 50 people attending. The first discussion of buying a mining claim was voted down and the first raffle was held with 5 prizes being awarded. The January hunt was for $277.
In February, 1994, the treasury held $1258. It was determined that the hunt field was too small for the 64 entrants in January. A corporation committee was formed. Jimmy Sierra Normandy was present to give a talk about detecting in England.
March, 1994 shows $1337 in the bank. There are problems with people not running for office, and thoughts that the Club may not survive. The March hunt will consist of 1740 targets and cost $322.
December, 1994 has the first by-laws presented and approved. The treasurer gave a report that $1285 was in the bank and that dues to FMDAC had not yet been paid. The December hunt had 41 hunters. Once again, the Club could not get volunteers for officer positions. In January 1995, new blood stepped up and a complete board was elected. The January hunt will have 1887 targets and cost $307. February had 46 members and $1566 in the bank. Meetings were being held at the Library again, but it was getting too small. The first 50/50 raffle was held.
Officers & Board of Directors
Dennis Kahrs
Anna Pellegrini
Vice President
Linda Taylor
Sandie Braunstadter
Georgann Nicholls
Mae Gress
By-Laws of The Quartzsite Metal Detecting Club
(as revised and accepted March 2024)
Old By-Laws from 2002
1.1 The name of this non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as the Club, shall be the Quartzsite Metal Detecting Club.
2.1 Membership is open to anyone 18 years or older. Anyone under the age of 18 may be granted an associates membership, if sponsored by an adult member. All associates must be accompanied by an adult at all club functions.
2.2 It shall be the duty of all members to keep their dues up to date.
2.3 It shall be the duty of all members to restore to the original condition any area they may have dug.
2.4 Any member who is in violation of these by-laws may be taken before the board of directors and have their membership withdrawn.
3.1 Meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of the month starting in November and ending with March.
3.2 Three officers and a 10% of total membership shall constitute a quorum and must be present to make changes to Club by-laws or other business.
3.3 All meetings shall be conducted in an orderly manner. Any member wishing to make a motion or speak before the membership, shall be recognized by the chair (President or Presiding Officer) before speaking.
4.1 The annual dues shall be determined at the November meeting each year, by a vote of the members.
5.1 The elected officers of the Club shall be the President, the Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and five Board Members and shall constitute the Board of Directors.
5.2 Term of office shall be one year.
5.3 Election of Officers and Board Members will be by secret ballot at the January meeting. Officers will be elected by a majority vote of the voting members in good standing present at the meeting.
5.4 Nomination for officers shall be made at the December meeting. All nominations must come from the floor. No member may be nominated or elected to office without his or her consent.
5.5 Election of Officers will be the last order of business at the January meeting. Newly elected Officers shall assume their duties after all elections are completed.
5.6 Upon the vacancy of the office of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the chair.
5.7 Upon the vacancy of any other office, the President shall appoint, at their discretion, any member in good standing to assume said office for the balance of the term.
Duties of Officers
6.1 The President shall preside and preserve order at all meetings, appoint all committees, and perform all duties required of them by the by-laws of the club.
6.2 The Vice-President will assist the President when needed, and assume the duties in his or her absence.
6.3 The Secetary shall maintain accurate and complete records of all meetings and conduct correspondence in relation to the Club's activities.
6.4 The Treasurer will receive all funds, will maintain true records of all receipts and disbursements, and will deposit the funds in a bank in the name of the club. The Treasurer will report condition of the treasury at the regular meeting, and submit all records for audit on damand of the President.
7.1 All committees shall be appointed by the President.
Order of Business
8.1 The order of business for meetings
Roll call
Introduction of guests
Reading of minutes
Treasurers report
Unfinished and old business
New business
Close meeting
General Rules
9.1 Any proposed amendments to these by-laws may be introduced by any member of the club at any regular meeting or special meeting called for this purpose. At the next regular meeting, a two-thirds vote of the quorum (see section 3.2) is needed to pass the amendment.
9.2 The fiscal of the Club shall run from January 1 through December 31.
9.3 The Quartzsite Metal Detecting Club or it's Officers shall not be held liable for injury or personal losses while at Club functions.
10.1 In case of disbandment of the Club all legal debts will be paid. The remaining funds will be used for a members only hunt.
Outline of QMDC as quoted in a local attraction newspaper.